Living the Gospel with Love and Courage
St. Anne Parish Community strives to form the whole person with our wide variety of formation opportunities. Beyond the traditional religious education of just the children/youth of the parish through a traditional approach we seek to form all ages, all families of the parish. Rooted in the understanding that we are all Disciples on the journey of faith seeking to grow in faith together, we take the approach of Disciple Formation as a parish community. Whether it is Sacramental Preparation our Wednesday evening program for youth grades K-8 or Sunday evenings for grades 9-12, the variety of Youth Ministry offerings or a small group or other adult offering, everyone is welcome to be a part of this common goal of Disciple Formation!
Click on any of the links below or on the menu to the left to learn more about any and all of our offerings!
If you’re interested in learning more about Jesus, the Church, becoming a Catholic Christian and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, we’d love to talk with you. Please contact Lee Ann Lella, disciple formation co-director.
Or, if you know someone who might appreciate a bit of encouragement or an invitation in terms of becoming a Catholic Christian, please extend that invitation and encouragement to them.
This invitation is for people who may not be baptized, as well as those who were baptized in another Christian tradition, but are interested in becoming Catholic. Also, if you are Catholic and are interested in celebrating confirmation, contact Lee Ann.