Living the Gospel with Love and Courage
Two sessions are offered weekly breaking open the word to be proclaimed at Mass on the upcoming Lord’s Day. These Bible study gatherings are at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays in the Gathering Space at St. Anne beginning Oct. 1 and at 9 a.m. Fridays in the office at St. Michael. These gatherings offer an important opportunity to prepare for listening to the scripture we’ll hear proclaimed at Mass. Bring your own Bible or one will be provided.
Grief doesn’t disappear at a certain point. Grief isn’t easily described or understood. Each person’s grief is distinct. What’s often true, however, is the value of knowing you do not grieve alone and that how you’re grieving and what you’re feeling, while unique to you, is also being experienced by others. That’s why GriefShare is so important. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through a weekly meeting of presentations, discussions and prayer. Meetings are at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Resurrection, with a new series beginning on Feb. 12. For more information, go to