Living the Gospel with Love and Courage
First Mohamad and Douaa fled the civil war of Syria, their homeland, for Jordan, and eventually came to the United States with their two daughters, Mouna and Bellasan, settling in Wausau in September 2023. Yes, They are celebrating their one-year anniversary of being in Wausau! They are grateful to be safe and to enjoy a more stable existence. Mohamad works full time, the girls go to school. Life in Wausau, however, has been lonely. There are few others who speak Arabic and they grieve not being with Mohamad’s parents and other family members who remain in Jordan. The family is with us after Masses this weekend, affording us an opportunity to meet them and talk with them about their experience. Through a State Department-sponsored program, Welcome Corps, a group of parishioners is working to raise $11,640 to
initiate the resettlement process for eight family members to come to Wausau. If you are able to support this effort, you can contribute online using this QR code or by writing a check to St. Anne with “refugee help” in the memo line. All contributed funds will go directly to family living expenses for their first 90 days in Wausau while they seek employment.
In February 2023, the Wausau Community began a new initiative to unify and better coordinate it's efforts to the less fortunate among us with the opening of the Community Partners Campus. One of the services offered in this cutting edge initiative is the Good Shepherd Shelter that provides warm and safe temporary shelter for the un-housed in our community.
St. Anne Parishioners are among those providing the assistance needed for the services offered at the Good Shepherd Shelter. If you would like to help in any of the ways needed, please follow the links below.