The Forming Young Disciples programs at St. Anne Parish provide families and their children with meaningful experiences that serve as stepping stones on the lifelong journey to become intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the first Church is the domestic church found in each and every home. Parents are integral in the role they play in their children’s faith development. They serve as the primary guides and role models. Through a combination of lead by example in the home, quality weekly sessions within the parish community and participation in Mass, the young people of our parish have the best possible chance to live a full and loving life in the Catholic faith.
The formation staff at St. Anne Parish and the many talented catechists and core team are dedicated to offering the best of learning experiences to your children and family.
Inclusive of these parish offerings is St. Anne Parish's support and leadership within Newman Catholic Schools for children from infancy to Grade 12. CLICK HERE to learn more about Newman Catholic Schools and the offerings available.
Children's Liturgy of the Word (ages 4-10)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered during the Sunday 8:30 AM Mass. We invite kids ages 4-10 to participate. No pre-registration is required. This is not in place of regular Faith Formation programs or school but rather a focus on the readings of the week in an age appropriate manner, common prayers and activities/games that will make the Sunday readings come more alive for our young people. The readings are proclaimed from the Children’s Lectionary and the discussion that flows is done in a child user-friendly fashion. All parishioners & guests are welcome!
Children's Liturgy of the Word
During the Sunday, 8:30 AM Mass
Forming Young Disciples (Grades K-8)
Children’s formation sessions, through discussion, prayer and activities, address learning goals for each age group regarding liturgy, scripture, Catholic traditions, moral formation, social justice, as well as service and community according to each grade level’s developmental stage. These sessions are offered weekly on Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:30 PM for Grades K-8 September to April.
Middle School Youth grades 6-8 will gather during these weekly sessions in a mix of large and small group gatherings in order to learn and grow together in the context of a larger faith community, yet discuss and explore these core elements of our faith in the setting of their weekly small groups. Middle Schoolers will also be invited to be a part of additional Youth Ministry gatherings and events to grow and develop their own personal life of faith.
Forming Young Disciples K-8 Time:
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM
HomeStudy (Grades K-5)
St Anne Parish offers a home-based alternative to the traditional classroom based learning format. You, the parent or guardian, are the guide/teacher. Your child will complete one workbook chapter a week under your guidance. A calendar guide is provided to keep you on track and focused during the year. This is a flexible option because you choose the day of the week and time that you will do your faith formation studies with your child. It is also a wonderful way for the family to learn together and grow more in faith.
High School Youth Ministry
As a teens grades 9-12 continue to mature, they are challenged to make faith their own through weekly commitment to worship and the parish community. Through social, service and spiritual programs and events, we work together to listen, learn, share our faith, serve others, have fun and make the world better a better place!
Starting in 2025-2024, High School youth from St. Anne and Eastside Parishes will gather together for Sunday evening sessions 6:00-8:00 PM starting with the 6:00 PM Mass at St Anne Parish.
Confirmation Preparation, traditionally celebrated in the spring of 10th grade is an integral part of these gathered sessions for youth both in the Forming Young Disciples Program and Newman Catholic Schools. Registration for Confirmation preparation is available in September.